franco cicerchia sculture e riccio

Sculptures and Recycling

Artisans often reclaim discarded clay by kneading it and creating new things. I want that waste to be significant as it is. Even though it may seem insignificant and imperfect, it is valuable to me. Reconstructing a new reality with the scraps becomes both ecological and insightful. It is the economy of construction: by using the least amount of material possible and utilizing discarded parts, I can create more objects.

For example, to create the “Via Lattea” cup, I cut out a circle from a rectangular clay slab, obtaining both the base and the handle. From the clay slabs scraps, I create positive and negative shapes to attach with magnets to an iron panel. This applies to the concept of vases as well: from the modules/scraps obtained from cutting, I create vases and different forms through an economical and ecological construction process. Every scrap from a previous work serves the construction of a subsequent one. I utilize the property of enamels to fuse and adhere together to repair breaks and also to build new forms by overlapping the modules.

Just like in Kintsugi (an ancient Japanese repair technique), I don’t discard what breaks. The breaking of an object no longer signifies its end. We must strive to recover it, and in doing so, we gain something. It’s the essence of resilience. It’s about finding ways to positively cope with traumatic events, to grow through painful experiences, to value them, showcase them, and believe that it is these experiences that make each person unique and precious.

Modular ceramics | height: 20 cm | 3 firings at 980°C, 940°C, and 700°C | white glaze and 12% gold lustre

franco cicerchia sculture e riccio

Modular ceramics | height: 23 cm, diameter: 24 cm | 2 firings at 980°C and 940°C | metal and red glaze

Modular ceramics | dimensions: 18 cm x 18 cm x 21 cm | 2 firings at 980°C and 940°C | blue, light blue, and black glazes

Modular ceramics | height: 23 cm, maximum diameter: 19 cm | 2 firings at 980°C and 940°C | white glaze and brass filings

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