tralcio 50esimo anniversario franco cicerchia

Nuovo Tralcio – 50th Anniversary (2020)

The design called “Tralcio blu” was created by my father, “Pippo,” in 1970 and became a symbol of the birth of our workshop. In 2020, after 50 years, I wanted to pay tribute to this pattern by creating my own interpretation called “Tralcio 50th Anniversary.”

I started by creating a surface using stencils and then cut out the shapes I needed to construct the objects, making sure to utilize even the scraps. I worked as if it were a patterned fabric, cutting and sewing. For the background of the objects, I used a semi-transparent blue in different shades.

The pieces underwent two firings at 980°C and 940°C. The interior features a glossy blue crystalline glaze, while the exterior showcases an opaque crystalline glaze. These glazes are food-safe and dishwasher-safe.

Plates: Diameter: 28 cm / 24 cm

Glasses: Height: 11 cm / 8 cm


Glasses: Height: 11 cm / 8 cm

Bowl: Diameter: 33 cm / 18 cm / 14 cm

For questions or information about the product, fill out the contact form. I will reply to you as soon as possible


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