bordo colore franco cicerchia

Colore Rim

The “Colored Rim” is made through two firings at 980°C and 940°C. The base is made of red clay and features a glossy white glaze. The rim of the glass is decorated with various glazes, adding a touch of color. The glazes used are food-safe and dishwasher-safe.

bordo colore franco cicerchia ceramiche e creazioni

Height: cm 11 / 8

bordo colore franco cicerchia ceramiche e creazioni

Height: cm 11 / 8

bordo colore franco cicerchia ceramiche e creazioni

Height: cm 11 / 8

Height: cm 11 / 8

bordo colore franco cicerchia ceramiche e creazioni

Height: cm 11 / 8

bordo colore franco cicerchia ceramiche e creazioni

Height: cm 11 / 8

bordo colore franco cicerchia ceramiche e creazioni

Height: cm 11 / 8

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